My American Experience

Hi my name is Javier Netz and I am 16 years old, I am currentlystudying Third Secondary in Colegio Concepción.
This year I had the chanceto visit a school in California, USA.It wasn’t only me. I travelled with three other students from Colegio Concepción besides our Biology Teacher, Gisela Corday.
Firstly, I would like to mentionit was an unforgetable and really interesting experience,due to the fact I was hosted by an American family in Ontario, California. Once there my American family shared their knowledge of American cousine. This was a particular passion for my family. Every day we prepared different local food.
In regard to our school experience we visited two schools, Norton Science, Language Academy and Academy for Academic Excellence. The first one was a middle and elementary bilingual school in San Bernardino, California, meanwhile the second one was a Non Bilingual High School in Apple Valley.
Norton Science is very different to our school when in class they used ipads and macbooksintead of books and notebooks. Moreover they had Physical Education class every day. Academy for Academic Excellence (AAE) was also visited by us. This High School offers a bunch of elective courses like Buissnes, Math or Space Science.
Especially, in the Space Science class students were able to use GAVRT (Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope) to observe different celestial bodies and to learn about The SETI program which consisted of Extra terrestrial Intelligence.
Finally, we had the opportunity to visit California Institute of Technology, The California Science Center, JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), The California Science Center, and some radio telescopes in Golstone.
I highly recommend this experience due I could learn Science, some facts about American Culture and met new friends.